Sunday, March 22, 2009

Banner, updates, I need your help

Hey haters and lovers, Tyler here.

First off, thank you to my adorkable Tommy (graphic-design) for the AMAZING header you see above. He is incredible!

Second, I've changed the blog a little. Hope you like it.

Third, if you voted for MissyAss in the poll, please change your vote because I don't want to make a new poll but she is still in the lead.

You know you love me,


Lettie97 said...

Tommy IS amazing!
Wow! That banner is stunning! :O

Anonymous said...

That banner is kinda fugly, soz xD

And btw something is wrong w/ ma computer. It wont let me vote in your pool.

So I give my vote to VampLady

TylerTheAnon said...

That's okay, cuz Let-eek and I loveeee it.

Rinna. said...

Explosive dress on the banner, I must give you that! :]